Technical Help – Virtual Campus Quickstart

Virtual Campus Introduction

The Leadership Academy’s Virtual Campuses (VCs) are powered by the open-source software, Moodle –

The campuses also have a number of Moodle plugins installed to enable extra tools and functionality to allow you as participants and faculty to deliver Leadership Programmes.

We apply a custom theme onto the Virtual Campuses which blends together Moodle best practice and the work done on the NHS Digital Service Manual to deliver as accessible, familiar and flexible content as possible.

Virtual Campus Basics

Enrolment onto the Virtual Campus

To gain access to relevant content on a Virtual Campus, you will go through an enrolment process (this may vary depending on the Programme or offering you’re accessing).

One option is to log in to the Profile system ( and view the ‘My Cohorts’ tab. This will show you which cohorts your account has been registered with and a Virtual Campus link to use it.

Alternatively, you may receive an enrolment email with appropriate links and keys (for example, if you are in a Cohort, Tutor Group, Action Learning Set or similar) as you will need to enrol into each area, so please check your inbox for emails in advance of your programme commencement and follow the instructions carefully.

Virtual Campus Navigation and Menus on a Desktop or Laptop.

The main menu for the campus is at top of the screen. This will vary depending on which Virtual Campus you’re using (linked to the Programme or offer you’re enrolling into).

Menu items at top of screen

Home / Dashboard / My Courses

Depending on the Virtual Campus, the areas (or ‘courses’) you are enrolled in, and your role, you may use any of the main options to view your content.

Home – is configured on a VC by VC basis so may show you information such as an introduction, the courses on the VC, or an overview of all the areas on the VC.

Dashboard – will probably show you key dates and a timeline e.g. for assignments you may have to submit if they have due dates.

My Courses – this is probably the most useful screen of the three as this will show you what you’re enrolled into and the completion progress as below:

The ‘My Courses’ page; click on a tile to access that area of the Virtual Campus

Navigation within a Module or Programme (a Moodle ‘course’)

When you’ve browsed to your programme, or a module within your programme, you’ll be viewing a Moodle Course (your programme may have more than one, depending on how it’s been created). If you don’t have the Course Index menu on the left-hand side of the screen, click the top-left button to open it.

The ‘course index’ menu button; click to show a list of activities

The left hand menu will show you all the sections and activities in the area you’re currently in.

As you complete your programme, the menu will show you a green dot next to completed activities.

You can hide and show the menu and use it to move between activities. Click the ‘X’ at the top of the menu to hide it.

An open course menu showing the current activity you are viewing, and green dots against completed activities.

You can also view a breadcrumb trail at the top of the screen to see where you are on the Virtual Campus; click the Programme or Module name to return to the homepage for your course (in this case, ‘Seacole Programme’).

Breadcrumb menu showing current location in the course you’re viewing

‘Mark as done’ buttons for completion tracking

You will see a Mark as done button to the right of the list of activities within your programme or module. Although you can click them from here to complete progress, you’re more likely to click the title of the activity to view it and mark as done from there.

An activity list with ‘Mark as done’ buttons to the right

You can click each button to toggle completion status on or off (so ‘complete/done’ or ‘incomplete/not done’).

‘Mark as done’ within activities

Within each activity (for example, if you’re viewing a page), the ‘Mark as done’ button is at the top of the screen and can be pressed to toggle between completed (or done) and incomplete (or not done).

‘Mark as done’ button at the top of an activity

Extra ‘Blocks’ within courses

You may find in some course that you have a pop-out menu on the right-hand side of the screen. This could show you extra information (in the form of ‘blocks’) for example, progress report for the module or course you are viewing.

Look on the right-hand side of the page for the pop-out arrow….
…which may show you extra information (for example, completion progress or upcoming events)

Further Support

If you encounter any issues, please use the usual support channels for your programme.

Thanks for your patience and understanding as we carry out this work.